Chahar Bagh Abbasi, Amadegah St. Isfahan
Contact the hotel: +(98)3132226011-19


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Space: 170 sqm
Max: 200 guests


0,000,000 T/ night


Looking at the mirror work (i.e. mirrors) of the ceiling, you will find that no other name suits it as much as does the “Mirror Hall”, the sort that multiplies the beauty within. The repetition of glory in the magnificence of art in this hall, the art of architecture alongside of the ornamental plaster work, gold blocking and mirror work portray an unparalleled model of the great Iranian talent. Also, the harmony of the blinds, walls, plans and colors against the dazzling paintings surround you within the four walls of beauty, finesse, verve and subtlety. In normal arrangement, the hall accommodates 200 people and in U-shaped arrangement, it accommodates up to 60 people. The full furniture and arrangement provide a multilateral hosting capability for the guests.


  • Air conditioner
  • Video projection
  • High speed WiFi
  • Table and chairs
  • Sound system
  • Catering arrangement


In normal arrangement, the hall accommodates 200 people and in U-shaped arrangement, it accommodates up to 60 people. The full furniture and arrangement provide a multilateral hosting capability for the guests.

Types of layouts

  • Class layout
  • U-shaped
  • Conference arrangement
  • Roundtable

About Other Halls

1 Comment

  1. hi, My name is Taherian, In my opinion, the halls of Abbasi Hotel are amazing in terms of architecture

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